Monday, September 30, 2019

Historical Allegory and Symbolism in Animal Farm

Haley Pruitt Mrs. Blount AP Literature and Composition 12 November 2012 Symbolism and Allegory in Animal Farm When George Orwell wrote his literary masterpiece that has been acclaimed for many years by critics everywhere, Animal Farm, there were many world events shaping the future of all of Europe and the world that impacted his views, which therefore influenced his writing and opinions. His background and values help to shape the glasses through which he views these events.George Orwell is put into positions of warfare and diplomacy and handles both eloquently as he allows them to mold him into the person that writes the masterpieces that he goes on to produce. Animals are implemented to retell the story of Marxism, the Russian Revolution, and the downfall of utopian views and societies. George Orwell uses symbolism and allegory in his novel Animal Farm to show the social issues of the Soviet Union in the time period of 1917 through 1943.The background of George Orwell must be unde rstood before one can go deeper into his literary works. George Orwell was the pen name of Eric Arthur Blair who was born on June 25, 1903 in Motihari, Bihar, India. He was born into an upper middle class family and went to Catholic school. He moved to Burma where his grandmother lived, and this is where he later wrote Burmese Days, â€Å"A Hanging†, and â€Å"Shooting an Elephant†. â€Å"In Burmese Days, he resigned to ‘escape not merely from imperialism but from every form of man’s dominion over man’† (â€Å"Orwell† 748).When George Orwell moved to London, he began to explore the slums and the poorer parts of the city so that he could learn to understand them and the context of the many books that were written about them. Orwell became interested in the Spanish Civil War and decided to take part in it; because of this, he was asked to be a part of the Spanish Embassy in Paris and he wanted to eliminate fascism throughout the world. G eorge Orwell was married to and adopted a son with Eileen O’Shaughnessy. She died in 1945 during a surgical procedure. Right before he died, he married Sonia Brownell in 1949. Orwell died at 46 years old from tuberculosis.He was in and out of many hospitals for the last three years that he was alive. The author was buried according to Anglican Rite in the All Saints’ Churchyard. At the outbreak of World War II, George Orwell was deemed unfit for service so he began to write for newspapers. Orwell wrote a column of the Tribune and he was a major contributor/writer of The Observer. â€Å"By this stage, Orwell saw himself primarily as a political writer, a democratic socialist who hated party labels, hated totalitarianism, and was to become more and more disillusioned with the methods of Communism† (â€Å"Orwell† 748).Orwell wanted to expose Communism and eliminate it from Europe. Through his writing for various newspapers, he saw himself as making a differe nce, but not quite as much as he would have liked so he began a novel to show the ugly truth of Communism once and for all. Before the end of 1944, Animal Farm was ready for publication, but a publisher could not be found as it was considered an attack on the Soviets. No one wanted to accept that kind of responsibility and punishment if something where to reach the Soviet Union regarding his use of allegory and symbolism using animals against them and their ideas.Eventually Jonathon Cape agreed to tackle the controversies that Orwell discussed and he published it. Jonathon Cape founded Jonathon Cape Ltd. with Wren Howard in 1921. It was one of the leading literary publishers in London during the time period. Jonathon Cape also published works such as T. E. Lawrence’s The Seven Pillars of Wisdom, Arthur Ransome’s Swallows and Amazons, and the first of the James Bond books. Another historical issue that must be dealt with before a further understanding of Animal Farm can be reached is what exactly happened in the Soviet Union with the Russian Revolution and Marxism.Two German philosophers, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles, coined Marxism. â€Å"The  Communist Manifesto  (1848) of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels provided a theoretical basis for the revolutionary movements springing up in Europe in the latter part of the nineteenth century,† (Meyers). Marxism is a way to look at socioeconomics that is based on a more materialistic view of the development of history, a view of social change that has a lot to do with location, and an examination of the relationships of social classes within society and the way that capitalism is wrong and should be looked down upon.It fights for the self-discovery and freeing of the working class and making everyone equal to a certain degree. The Bolsheviks adopted these ideals of Marxism when they took over Russia in the Russian Revolution. World War I did not make things any easier on the peasants. Now they w ere forced to fight for a country they did not like in the first place and they were being simply slaughtered because they were not trained soldiers. Originally, it served to quiet the peasants because everyone was united against one enemy, but it wore off once the initial benefits were gone.Russia’s first major battle of World War I ended in over thirty thousand Russian troops were killed or wounded and the revolutions began. Tsar Nicholas began to make poor military choices and the Russians, particularly the lower class people as they had to fight and send their family and friends off to fight, began to think that there could be something better out there if they could find the right type of government to suit them. The February Revolt was the first of these revolts in the city of Petrograd.The tsar abdicated the throne because he was frightened and knew that he did not possess enough military power to defeat the revolts. After this, there was a period of dual power where t here was a provisional government that was loyal to the Soviet Socialists. The Bolsheviks were a group in Russia that began to revolt when the provisional government chose to continue to fight in Germany. Vladimir Lenin and the workers’ Soviets led the Bolsheviks. They quickly removed Russia from World War I with the Treat of Brest-Litovsk in March 1918.This resulted in a civil war between the Bolshevik (red) and anti-Bolshevik (white) factions of the government, lasting for several years, with the Bolsheviks eventually pulling out a victory. The way that this happened, it allowed for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) to rule later. The way that the Bolsheviks ruled the Soviet Union can be compared to the way that the Catholic Church was run (Frye 11). These are comparable because both were totalitarian and rigid with little thought into the people that followed them.People followed long sets of rules and did not really know why and there was no reward for them e xcept to keep their lives/not be excommunicated from the church. The Russian Revolution describes the mini revolutions that happened in Russia in 1917 that rose up against the monarchy of Russia of which tsar Nicholas was the head. The causes of the Russian Revolution pertaining to society came from the oppression felt by the lower classes in the autocracy of the tsar. They had been emancipated, but life was no better for them.The industrialization of Russia led to overcrowding and very bad conditions in the cities for the urban industrial workers. This made the peasants more likely to go on protest and go on strike than in previous years. Some critics view the literary work of George Orwell to be creating a utopian society and to praise that idea of the â€Å"perfect society†. â€Å"Orwell particularly valued the vigorous, colorful and concrete style of pamphlets and wanted to revive the genre,† says Valerie Meyers of Orwell’s Animal Farm (Meyers).This is not w ell thought-out because he was making fun of the way that people thought of utopias and he made the utopian society of the farm animals in Animal Farm fail miserably. If he had been praising the utopian societies and genre, then he would have written things differently and not had the society end in failure and death which is ultimately where he believed it would end. â€Å"Orwell's  Animal Farm, like Swift's Lilliput and Blefuscu, is a coded satiric portrait of a real society, an anti-utopia which, by castigating real evils, suggests what society ought to be like† (Meyers).George Orwell uses satire and allegory to show an intended utopia failing and Meyers puts it well when she says that he â€Å"castigates real evils† because Orwell legitimately shows the evils of what was happening in Russia and tries to simplify them into something of a â€Å"fairytale† that the normal person could digest and understand. . It is written as a fable though with the moral bei ng to â€Å"teach a political lesson† (Meyers). He is trying to show the common person the effects on the people and the seriousness of the controversies that he chose to write about.The ultimate goal of writing Animal Farm was to destroy the Soviet myth (Patai). Orwell wanted the myth that everything was going great in the Soviet Union to be dismissed because people were not taking things seriously. The rest of the world did not think anything of the terrorism that was taking place because they simply did not even know that it was happening. Concerning Russian Communism, George Orwell did not take into account the â€Å"underlying reasons for its transformation from a proletarian dictatorship into a kind of parody of the Catholic Church,† (Frye 11).Orwell simply went through the process of what happened and didn’t ask the questions like â€Å"Why did Old Major feel the way he did? † or â€Å"Why did the animals blindly believe the pigs and not question them? † The characters that are used in the literary work of Animal Farm are animals. Some critics say this is because it is written in a fable-style and some, like Daphne Patai say that this is because, â€Å"It was apparently easier for Orwell to identify with the animal kingdom, exploited at the hands of ‘humans,’ than to note that buried in class and race divisions in the human orld lay the issue of gender oppression,† (Patai). Orwell could more easily wrap his mind around the cruelty shown to animals because then he wouldn’t have to relate it back to himself and his responsibility and role in the cruelty of human treatment to other humans. Also, it allowed him to disregard race and gender in the characterization of the animals that lived on Manor Farm. When he wrote about the pigs taking over and all the other animals numbly following them he tried to show that â€Å"the class struggle among humans is ‘pure illusion’—which i s itself an illusion,† (Patai).George Orwell was trying to show that we don’t have to blindly follow authority and that it is not in our best interest, but in the same respect, he proved that it can be dangerous if you do not, therefore contradicting himself. â€Å"Orwell’s concern is that no matter what viewpoint rulers adopt it is no guarantee that they can solve the ‘central problem’ of revolution—indeed, of life—namely, the abuse of power† (Slater 241). George Orwell believed that whether it was Communism, Fascism, or Marxism, the leaders failed to do what they took over to do in the first place.His philosophy was that it doesn’t matter the type of government, government cannot fix the problem of revolution no matter the strength. The characters that exemplify the symbolism and allegory make up the main plot of the masterpiece that is Animal Farm. The pigs represent the upper class Bolsheviks that took power, Boxer is the common man, the dogs are the secret police, and so on. Also, the symbols used throughout the book such as the hoof and horn flag, the Order of the Green Banner, and the part song entitled â€Å"The Beasts of England† directly parallel symbols common in Russian society at the time.Even the battles have their own parallels of historical revolutions taking place in Russia (Meyers). Orwell wanted to blatantly make a point and leave no room for question as to what this was specifically allegorizing. â€Å"He says that he will not attempt to speak for the work: Either it speaks for itself or it is a failure† (Quinn). Orwell made everything so clear because he felt strongly about this issue of Marxism and the totalitarianism happening in Russia. If a critic had a question about what this was about, it would have defeated the purpose that it was meant to serve and so he wrote it in a way as to leave nothing to assumption.The character that most of the people struggling in this time feel that they can relate to is the character of Boxer, a workhorse. He buys into the lies that are fed to him by the pigs and believes all of the propaganda. Boxer truly believes that the pigs are doing what is best for him and even is found encouraging other animals to go along with their decisions. â€Å"I will work harder† and â€Å"Napoleon is always right† are the mantras that he developed to help himself keep going and accomplish the work he was assigned by the pigs.Eventually, the pigs decide that he cannot work any harder and Boxer is deemed useless; he is sent to the glue factory much to the chagrin of the other animals that looked up to and admired him for his work ethics and motivation. The fact that he was sold for alcohol and food for the pigs shows just how the system of totalitarianism works. It shows the way that people blindly follow orders, and even those who follow orders are not rewarded. As for the pigs, Napoleon represents Stalin and Sn owball represents Trotsky; they supervise and keep the best of everything, including food such as apples and milk.Napoleon prefers a harsher take on everything: defensive buildup of armaments, increased food production/work, and finally, eliminating Snowball from the equation altogether. Snowball is mellower, wanting destabilization by propaganda, building of the windmill (reducing work hours), and an eloquent way to run things. Because they come to a head on all of these governmental matters, the more brutal animal, Napoleon, finally wins by driving Snowball off with the pack of dogs being used as secret police.Napoleon, like Stalin, turns Snowball, like Trotsky, into a criminal and an enemy of the animals; his victory and bravery at the Battle of the Cowshed is diminished piece by piece and his memory is degraded. The dogs are tricked into acting against their fellow â€Å"comrades† with offers of food and other treats. They mirror the KGB in that they do the bidding of tho se in power and even turn against their leader when they see a reward for themselves (Gardner 103-104). Orwell’s Animal Farm is taught in schools all over the country, though the immediate need for the piece of literature is now gone because there is no more Russian Communism.Many critics say that it was written as a fable or a fairy tale, and though Blair agrees, he also says: â€Å"Still, the narrative of Animal Farm is ingenious, and its twists retain a certain charm† (Blair). Though the author is in the opinion that Animal Farm is simply a children’s book, there is a simple agreement that it was written â€Å"ingeniously†. The teaching of this literary masterpiece will continue throughout the years because of its use of historical allegory and symbolism to teach the reader simply what happened in the world events of the time period that George Orwell lived in.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Cis170 Essay

using System. Collections. Generic; using System. Linq; using System. Text; namespace Lab5A { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string[] playerName = new string[100]; int[] playerScore = new int[100]; int c = 0; c=InputData(ref playerName, ref playerScore); double avg= CalculateAverageScore(ref playerScore,c); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"Name Score†); DisplayPlayerData(ref playerName, ref playerScore, c); Console. WriteLine(); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"Average Score: † + avg + † â€Å"); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"Player’s Who Scored Below Average†); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"Name Score†); DisplayBelowAverage(avg, ref playerName, ref playerScore,c); } static int InputData(ref string[] player, ref int[] score) { int addName = 0,counter=0; do { Console. Write(â€Å"Enter Player’s Name (Q to quit): â€Å"); player[counter] = Console. ReadLine(); if (player[counter] == â€Å"q† || player[counter] == â€Å"Q†) { addName = 1; } else { Console. Write(â€Å"Enter score for {0}: â€Å", player[counter]); score[counter] = Convert. ToInt32(Console. ReadLine()); counter++; } } while (addName ! = 1); eturn counter; } static void DisplayPlayerData(ref string[] playerName, ref int[] playerScore,int counter) { for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++) { Console. WriteLine(â€Å"{0} {1}†, playerName[i], playerScore[i]); } } static double CalculateAverageScore(ref int[] playerScore,int counter) { int total = 0, avg = 0; for (int i = 0; i < counter; ++i) { total += Convert. ToInt32(playerScore[i]); } if (playerScore. Len gth > 0) avg = total / counter; return avg; } static void DisplayBelowAverage(double avg, ref string[] playerName, ref int[] playerScore,int counter) { or (int i = 0; i < counter; i++) { if (playerScore[i] < avg) { Console. WriteLine(â€Å"{0} {1}†, playerName[i], playerScore[i]); } } Console. ReadLine(); } } } Part B: using System; using System. Collections. Generic; using System. Linq; using System. Text; using System. Collections; namespace Week_5_iLab_Part_B { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string response = â€Å"y†; ArrayList LastNameAL = new ArrayList(); //Console. Write(â€Å"Enter a last name: â€Å"); //LastNameAL. Add(Console. ReadLine()); //Console. Write(â€Å"Keep Going? (Y/N) â€Å"); //response = Console. ReadLine(); while (response == â€Å"y†) { Console. Write(â€Å"Enter a last name: â€Å"); LastNameAL. Add(Console. ReadLine()); Console. Write(â€Å"Keep Going? (y/n) â€Å"); response = Console. ReadLine(); } Console. WriteLine(LastNameAL. Count + † last names entered. â€Å"); Console. WriteLine(â€Å"Last names in ascending order. â€Å"); LastNameAL. Sort(); foreach (string s in LastNameAL) { Console. WriteLine(s); } Console. WriteLine(â€Å"Last names in descending order. â€Å"); LastNameAL. Reverse(); foreach (string s in LastNameAL) { Console. WriteLine(s); } Console. ReadLine(); } } }

Saturday, September 28, 2019


1/8/99 Essay Lord of The FliesThree major themes in this story were: fear, the need for civilization, and instinct to be a follower. The most obvious of all the themes is mans need for civilization. The total opposite of the belief that man is innocent and society is evil is displayed in the story by showing that laws and rules, schools and policemen are all important to keep the dark side of human nature in line. When these concepts are ignored or slip away then we go back to the earliest part of their nature. An example of this is when the boys on the island get together at the beginning of the story and try to set some rules and assign a leader. This does not work out the way Ralph had expected, and it shows that uncivilization may occur when there are no regulations, and guidance from a leader. Fear of the unknown on the island are in the minds of the boys because of the terror of the beast. The fear is allowed to grow because they play with the idea of it. They cannot accept the belief of the beast, and they also cannot let go of it. The recognition that no real beast exists, that there is only the power of fear, is one of the deepest meanings of the story. I someone believes that another is superior, usually in strength and intelligence, they will be a follower of that person and fulfill their wishes. At first in the book, Ralph was elected chief. Everyone followed Ralphs commands because he was the superior. Ralph was Jacks superior, but Jack was still in charge of the members that left Ralph. Jack did not believe that Ralph was his superior in strength and intelligence. He left with choir, who followed him. The others soon believed Jack was superior to Ralph because he could hunt and supply them with food. They, of course, went and became part of Jacks tribe. Thsi all shows that people are easily fooled by a show of superior ability and will follow anyone that they believe to be powerful. Three symbols used in this novel are: the conch,the boys, and the hunting rituals. The conch stands for order and stability. It was a way of getting everyone together for meetings, and showing respect to whomever was speaking while holding the conch. The boys themselves represent the different ways of life, they had the intellectual Piggy, the adventurer, the bully, and the torturer. These all give the impression of diversity that is found in an actual society. the several hunting rituals symbolize the increasing powers of evil in them. All of the chanting and dancing they did when hunting was taken to another level of satisfaction, and excitement of that in murderers. Simon symbolizes the prophet-like figure. He is intelligent, and sensible, and he keeps up the hope that the boys will get rescued even when Ralph is doubting it. Some of the other boys on the island find him strange and think that theres something wrong with him. Simon meets the Lord of the Flies, which is represented by the pig skull on the stick. He is the only boy who realizes that there is no real beast on the island, and the only beast is the boys themselves. Simon is killed by the other boys who were caught up in a savage dance, which was an event that represented their barbaric way of living.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Reading journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8

Reading journal - Essay Example The story is covered in the dailies, it is assumed that the dead person seemingly died of starvation (Krakauer 61-71). Chapter 11 is set at the Chesapeake Beach where Walt McCandless is interviewed at home after the recovery of his son’s body at an abandoned bus. McCandless seemingly so much pain to his parent. The bond between mother-father and child was completely broken. It is in this chapter that one questions whether McCandless parent were actually responsible for the son’s death (Krakauer 72-81). In chapter 12, the character of McCandless is questioned. It is questioned whether his personality was shaped in the course of his youth. McCandless was said to take a trip to summer prior to joining college. It is at this point that he promises to have constant communication with his parents, but later on he stopped communicating completely. Upon his return home, McCandless had changed completely. He had lost a lot of weight and his hair was unkempt. We later learn that he had lost his way in Mojave Desert and almost died due to the harsh conditions in the desert (Krakauer 82-87). McCandless is advised by his parents, but does not heed to the advice. The underlying assumptions/meanings the author intends for me to learn relate to the individual changes and the factors that may cause the changes. For the case of McCandless, one would argue that he felt superior in one way or another even to the point of leaving for Alaska. He may seem unique in his way of doing things, but he, at times, lacked common sense explaining why he faced the toughness of the nature despite him being sane as opposed to Waterman. This explains why he caused so much pain especially to his parents that had high hopes on him. From the work, I am of the opinion that the author aims at explaining the changes that individuals go through in their day to day lives. I agree with the author’s premise that one can determine or shape their future. The reading makes

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Procter&gamble company Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Procter&gamble company - Term Paper Example These units include Global Beauty, Global Baby, feminine and Family Care, Global Fabric and Home Care, and Global Health and Grooming. All these units focus on common consumer benefits, common technologies and face common competitors. The company has invested $9.7 billion in 2013 and is consistently one of the world’s top advertisers. Sports sponsorship is very popular with P&G while they also engage in social responsibility in various ways. One of the ways that P&G tries to bring the comforts of home to families impacted by natural disasters is by responding to disasters all over the world through product and cash donations. On October 30, 2013, P&G news release states that the company has expanded its partnership with American Red Cross by joining the Disaster Responder Program to support Red Cross Disaster response work worldwide. This represents a milestone in P&G’s commitment to bring relief to the disaster-stricken. In the past decade P&G has created programs like Tide Loads of Hope and Duracell Power aimed at bringing clean clothes, batteries and power to families recovering from disasters. They know some of their products can bring immediate relief and hence P&G employees pack kits containing P&G brands such as Secret, Gillette, Crest, Ivory and Lams, which are then distributed after the disaster through mobile relief units. Their partnership with American Red Cross ensures the victims receive immediate care in critical moments after the disaster. Brands such as Pampers, Crest and Tide help in rebuilding their lives with the dignity that comes with clean clothes. P&G has worked in partnership with American Red Cross for disasters like Oklahoma Tornadoes, Hurricane Isaac and Superstorm Sandy. P&G engages in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities in other ways. On October 10, 2013, P&G announced that some of its brands such as Duracell, Tide and Secret had underwritten all their production costs for the Nyad Swim for Relief. To sup port Hurricane Sandy recovery efforts, long-distance swim legend, Diana Nyad organized 48-hour â€Å"Swim for Relief† in New York City’s Herald Square. The funds would be donated to AmeriCares, a non-profit global health and disaster relief organization that delivers medicines, medical supplies and medical aid to people in need across the world, including the United States. Established in 1982, AmeriCares has distributed humanitarian aid worth more than $11 billion across 164 countries. Hurricane Sandy had destroyed nearly 125,000 homes in New Jersey alone and caused an approximate damage of $70 billion across the eastern seaboard. Yet another way that P&G demonstrates its responsibility towards the society is by extending educational scholarships to students committed to improving oral health of the Hispanic community. On September 26, 2013, P&G Hispanic Dental Association Foundation (HDAF) announced recipients of their annual scholarship program. These scholarships w ere awarded to 16 entry-level US Hispanic students that have been accepted into any accredited dental program. The awardees were based on their scholastic achievement, community service, leadership skills and commitment to improve health in the Hispanic community. Apart from providing scholarships to the next generation Hispanic Dental students, P&G and HDAF have also taken up the responsibility to correct misperceptions the US

Parallels In U.S. History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Parallels In U.S. History - Essay Example The Confederates were defeated and surrendered on April 9, 1865. The Civil War succeeded in providing equal civil rights to all Americans. On January 1, 1863, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation that declared freedom for slaves in all Confederate States. Congress passed the 13th (1865), 14th (1868) and 15th (1870) Amendments to the Constitution outlawing slavery, confirming citizenship of blacks and making it illegal to deny the right to vote on the basis of race. Business and the Economy developed and expanded after the Civil War. American industry changed dramatically. Machines were used to replace hand labor. Major inventions took place such as the typewriter (Christopher Latham Sholes), farm equipment (Deere & Co.) and celluloid (John Wesley Hyatt). Telegraph lines and railroads began to reshape the economy. The American Railway system became a nationwide transportation network that spurred economic growth. Investors invested huge sums of money in the stocks and bonds of corporations; banks lent corporations money to expand their business activities. Industrial growth caused cities to expand as people began to migrate in record numbers. In contrast, the South, badly hit by major wartime losses, failed Confederate currencies and disintegrated labor supply, suffered a doomed economy, with large farms broken into parcels and given out to tenant farming: the tenant farmers lacked the incentive to improve land that was not their own, and the l and owners did not have full control over production. In Art and Architecture, artists like Jasper Cropsey and Albert Bioerstadt popularized landscape painting. American realism entered art during the Civil War with artists like Winslow Homer and Lily Martin Spencer painting civil war scenes. The Civil War resulted in a large demand for statues of leading figures such

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Marketing Management Outline Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Marketing Management - Outline Example It is highly essential to understand the needs and the preferences of the customers and this is done by integrating brand strategies. Having a strong brand is invaluable since it is a promise to the customer and today branding has become a foundation for every company in marketing communication. (Kashani & Turpin 1999). Reasons why companies develop their core products into brands 1. Memorability – a brand name serves as a source of reputation for the company and besides an effective company name it also helps in reinforcing the identity to the customers which further makes them do more business with the company. It comes with a distinctive behavior or a unique color combination. 2. Loyalty – customers are more likely to purchase a brand with which they have positive association and experiences and the customers who are bonded with a brand also purchase other items sold by the same brand. 3. Familiarity – branding also has an impact on the people who are not the customers of the company and familiarity induces liking because of which people often recommend a brand to other people also. 4. Premium price and age - instead of dealing with price-shoppers, there are always buyers available who are willing to pay more for a brand compared to its competitors. 5. Extensions – a brand name which is well known amongst the people can also be used to sell new products. 6. Equity of the company rises – a company that sells branded products is sold at a higher price than the other companies that sell non-branded products and services. 7. Marketing expenses are low – money is always required to create a brand but once it is created, marketing expenses eventually reduce. 8. Lower risk for consumers – people often choose a branded product over a non-branded product when making a purchase decision. Brand valuation methods A number of brand valuation methods are used by the companies and every method has its own advantages and disa dvantages. Some of the main brand valuation methods are mentioned below. Income based brand valuation methods 1. Relief from royalty method – this method is based on the amount the owner would have to pay in order to get the brand licensed by a third party. In order to capitalize the future branded cash flows, discounted cash flow analysis is used. 2. Excess-earnings method:Â  earnings above profit are calculated to attract investors on the basis of the value of the assets while the excess amount is attributed towards the brand. 3. Price premium method:Â  this method of brand valuation

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Romanaticized Blackness by Whites to The Folk Essay

Romanaticized Blackness by Whites to The Folk - Essay Example He touches several other related topics as well. Throughout Hale’s book she has mentioned how the white Americans were much more open to the ideas of sharing the same hobbies, the same interests with the colored population and so they are termed as ‘outsiders’. This sudden change over several years caused a great transformation in the society and culture. The rebellion was such that a person’s race did not count, the discriminatory acts were slowing down. On the other hand, Baldwin’s stories clearly display that there was no such thing as fairness and justice between the races. The blacks were still treated wrongly, judged because of their skin color, the facts ignored because a white man was not to be blamed. It always had to be the colored man’s fault and he was unjustly punished for it. One of the stories Baldwin has written is Rockpile. The Grimes family consists of mixed ethnicity. The members are all white except on boy called John who i s Reverend Gabriel Grimes’ step son – son of his wife’s with another man before their marriage. Despite being a man of God, Grimes does not treat John fairly just because of his skin color. The incident related in the story is how Grimes’ son Rory gets injured due to his own fault, but John receives all the censure for it because he is black. Rory gets into a fight with some African American boys and hurts himself. "They fought on the rockpile. Sure footed, dangerous, and reckless, they rushed each other and grappled on the heights (†¦) Immediately, one side of Roy's face ran with blood, he fell and rolled on his face down the rocks" (Long and Collier 541) The story mostly shows the tumultuous relationship between the two. They were fighting with each other for no reason other than their color. John was thought to be guilty because of no other basis than the fact that he was black so obviously it was his entire fault. The unfairness is clearly shown here and it is quite a different version of what Hale is talking about in her own book. Times were quite difficult then. The sufferance during the Great Depression led to the white people unemployed. Only the blacks still had employment opportunities as they were willing to work for cheap wages and long hours. As more and more people were sacked, the menial tasks set aside for the blacks were given to whites. This was one of the early signs of prejudice and racism. Hale writes that the white Americans called themselves the outsiders during these times since they were not working. It was the ‘in’ thing even though they still had much more privileged lives than the blacks who were even working. The latter had very less income; the divide between the rich and poor was great. The poor automatically became even poorer whilst the rich continued to prosper despite the troubled times. The economic divide between the two races was great and yet the whites continued to compare th eir problems with those of the blacks. They did not realize that they were in a much greater, luckier position. Another story written by Baldwin is Sonny’s Blues. It is referring to the songs which were preferred in that time period. The story is about two brothers who are not really close but the narrator is showed as being worried for his sibling despite the distance. Sonny is a gifted pianist but he is troubled because he has no idea what to do with his talent. He gets into drugs till he becomes really addicted to them and puts everyone concerned

Monday, September 23, 2019

Classmates Evaluation Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Classmates Evaluation - Personal Statement Example Donald Brown: At first, Donald seems to be just an ordinary classmate with nothing really special about him. However, as time went by I notice a characteristic which sets him apart from a typical student. Different from the rest of us, I can say that he has deep sense of responsibility making him punctual in submitting individual requirements and his tasks for group projects. Arosha Desilva: Arosha is one of a kind and deviates from my expectations of what a typical guy should be like. First of all, he disproves my misconception that organization is out of a man's vocabulary. Seeing his lecture notebook and handouts for the first time, am amazed at how systematic he can be. Second, I always thought women should be nurturing and men should be authoritative. But not with him-having him in my group is an honor because he was always there to support me especially at times when I am losing my confidence. His calm personality enables him to manage stress and helps me focus on the job at hand. This trait stood out while we were on the process of writing the report and juggling it with our other individual requirements. Lastly, who says all guys are more tech savvy than girls Well, everyone has his own set of strengths and weaknesses. Computer skill is definitely not of Arosha's strong points. Sean Detorres: Sean Sean Detorres: Sean is someone I can never forget in this class. I admire him for his helpfulness and sincerity. Being on the same team as a compiler with him, I have seen how transparent he is with his feelings. Among my group mates, there have been instances that Sean and I have dissenting opinions about matters. I have to admit that I sometimes find his opinion rather irrational and unprofessional. I do appreciate how Sean shows his true feeling of disagreement on me, because it made me realized my flaws. However, I do wish Sean could have come up and talk with me in person and let me know what he is experiencing from me instead of just showing his dislike. I am thinking that maybe he is not just that vocal and has problems verbally communicating his feelings and emotions thus, he just resort on showing them. This is a room for improvement for him. I believe that he should work on his communication skills in order for him to effectively and professionally deal with his colleagues. Joshua Feng: I can say that Joshua has two good points-he is very smart as well as very articulate. During the class, he has been able to show his knowledge and skills in tackling different topics. I believe that these capabilities are really exceptional. I have noted that even though some people are smart, they do not have the capacity to share what they know. This is not the case with Joshua-he s knowledgeable and is very willing and articulate to communicate what he knows. However, I should also add that he is lazy and like to procrastinate at times. Well this can be justified by his efficiency and adeptness which enables him to tackle tasks in no time. When he starts doing his work, I am amazed how at fast and well written he is. Without his laziness, I am sure he will become a influential leader.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Rural Lives Versus Urban Lives Essay Example for Free

Rural Lives Versus Urban Lives Essay Urban and rural living each have their own benefits and drawbacks. A person’s personality, work status, financial situation and his or her age may influence the choice of environment where he or she likes living. In my opinion, the rural life is somehow suitable for the elderly people’s lifestyle while the urban life always inspirit the way young people live. It‘s easier and more comfortable for old people to keep up with the rural style in daily life. Firstly, cities are more crowned and faster-paced while rural living is often more relaxed and less congested. The slower pace of rural areas provides a sense of community and the openness makes people seem accessible to each other. Secondly, cities have fewer homes with yards, but those living in rural areas have more access to open space and nature. A close link to the nature is considered as the most important part of old people’s lives. In contrast, cities have state-of-the art skyscrapers and office that serve to create walls. Finally, cities are a hub for industrialization. There are more factories and businesses, making the areas more polluted. Additionally, the increased population in cities makes the ground more likely to be marred by litter and heavy use. These would have a bad influence on elderly resident’s health. Read more:Â  Rural Area vs Urban Area Living in a lively city is always a sparking desire of young people. City life gives inhabitants the ability to be exposed to more culture. Museums, theatre, and monuments are often easily accessible in cities. Additionally, most cities have a broad range of multicultural restaurants accessible by public transportation or walking. In contrast, entertainment in rural areas may be more limited or require travel. These conveniences are main attractiveness to young people and let them try to become a complete urban resident. City life, like rural life, has its share of advantages and disadvantages. People’s lifestyle choices which are different in separate stages of people’s lives dictate where they choose to live.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Purpose Of Compaction: Types Of Compaction

Purpose Of Compaction: Types Of Compaction Soil compaction is one of the most critical components in the construction of highway embankments, earth dams, foundations and many other engineering structure. Soil must be compacted to their unit weights, increase the strength characteristic which increase the bearing capacity of foundations constructed over them. Soil is compacted by removing air and water from its pore space. Compaction is a change in soil structure, not just an increase in soil density. Healthy soils have a diversity of pore sizes, while compacted soils have mostly small pores. In general, Soil compaction is defined as the method of mechanically increasing the density of soil. In construction, this is a significant part of the building process. Almost all types of building sites and construction projects utilize mechanical compaction techniques. During the compaction process soil partials are pushed closer together. This reduces the size of pores, the continuity of pores, and the size and stability of aggregates. Only under severe compaction will aggregates break down.This soil density chart shows properly compacted soil. Purpose of soil Compaction: The principal reason for compacting soil is to reduce subsequent settlement under working loads. Also in a construction material, the significant engineering properties of soil are its shear strength, its compressibility, and its permeability. Compaction of the soil generally increases its shear strength, decreases its compressibility, and decreases its permeability. in addition, compaction reduces the voids ratio making it more difficult for water to flow through soil. This is important if the soil is being used to retain water such as would be required for an earth dams. So we conclude that there are four reasons to compact the soil: Increase load-bearing capacity. Prevent soil settlement. Provides stability . Reduce water seepage, swilling and construction. Poor compaction can lead to unwanted results. Figure: result of poor compaction Types of compaction: There are four types of compaction that are commonly used on soil and/or asphalt: Vibration Impact Kneading Pressure Each of these types is carried out using one of two types of forces: static or vibratory. Static force relies on the weight of a machine to apply downward pressure on soil, thus compressing the soil particles. Adding weights to, or removing them from, the compaction machine can adjust the amount of pressure. Although effective, static compaction is best suited for the upper soil layers. The types of compaction that fall under static are kneading and pressure.Padfeet on a Caterpillar CP563 Vibratory force, on the other hand, uses mechanically driven force to apply downward pressure in addition to the weight of a machine. The mechanically driven force is an applied vibratory force that rotates the eccentric weight of a piston and spring combination. Compactors achieve compaction through the use of delivering rapid blows, or impacts, to the surface. This is effective in that it not only compacts the top layers, but the deeper layers as well. With vibration, the particles are set in motion and moved closer together to form a high density Compaction soil types: Different types of compaction are best suited for different soil types and conditions. This is because of the underlying density and moisture that different soil types are able to retain. Soil types are classified in three soil groups, with consideration to grain sizes. These types are: Cohesive Granular Cohesive and granular Cohesive In cohesive soils, such as clay, the particles contain characteristics that make them easily stick together so compaction can be achieved by high impact, which forces the air out of the particles, pushing them together. Granular Granular soils include sand, gravel, and other particles that typically range in size from 0.003 to 0.08 inches (0.008 to 0.2 cm). Because granular soils have good water-draining properties, they are able to obtain high density when fully dry or saturated. Granular is best compacted by shaking or vibrating the particles. Any type of vibratory equipment is best suited for this type. Depending on the type of granular soil, different degrees of vibration are required. Granular and Cohesive Often, soils are a mixture of both granular and cohesive, requiring more precise compaction equipment. Equipment should be chosen on the basis of the soil in the mix that is present in the highest percentage. Some materials, such as asphalt, require both vibration and static pressure to be compacted effectively. Machinery uses frequency and amplitude to apply a force for compaction. Frequency is the measure of the speed of the eccentric shaft rotation, or of the jumping of the machine, quantifiable by vibrations per minute (vpm). Amplitude measures the maximum movement of a vibrating body from its axis in one direction Field Tests: It is important to know and control the soil density during compaction. Following are common field tests to determine on the spot if compaction densities are being reached. Sand Cone Test (ASTM D1556-90): A small hole (6 x 6 deep) is dug in the compacted material to be tested. The soil is removed and weighed, then dried and weighed again to determine its moisture content. A soils moisture is figured as a percentage. The specific volume of the hole is determined by filling it with calibrated dry sand from a jar and cone device. The dry weight of the soil removed is divided by the volume of sand needed to fill the hole. This gives us the density of the compacted soil in lbs per cubic foot. This density is compared to the maximum Proctor density obtained earlier, which gives us the relative density of the soil that was just compacted. Nuclear Density (ASTM D2292-91): Nuclear Density meters are a quick and fairly accurate way of determining density and moisture content. The meter uses a radioactive isotope source (Cesium 137) at the soil surface (backscatter) or from a probe placed into the soil (direct transmission). The isotope source gives off photons (usually Gamma rays) which radiate back to the maters detectors on the bottom of the unit. Dense soil absorbs more radiation than loose soil and the readings reflect overall density. Water content (ASTM D3017) can also be read, all within a few minutes. A relative Proctor density with the compaction results from the test. How the Nuclear Density test works How the Sand Cone test works FACTORS AFFECTING COMPACTION IN THE FIELD: Compaction of a particular soil is affected by following given factors: MOISTURE CONTENT Proper control of moisture content in soil is necessary for achieving desired density. Maximum density with minimum compacting effort can be achieved by compaction of soil near its OMC (Optimum Moisture Content). If natural moisture content of the soil is less than OMC, calculated amount of water should be added to soil with sprinkler attached to water tanker and mixed with soil by motor grader for uniform moisture content. When soil is too wet, it is required to be dried by aeration to reach up to OMC. Moisture content of the soil is vital to proper compaction SOIL TYPE Type of soil has a great influence on its compaction characteristics. Normally, heavy clays, clays and silt offer higher resistance to compaction where as sandy soils and coarse grained or gravelly soils are amenable for easy compaction. The coarse-grained soils yield higher densities in comparison to clays. A well-graded soil can be compacted to higher density. LAYER THICKNESS The more the thickness of layer of earth subjected to field compaction, the less the energy input per unit weight of soil and hence, less is the compaction under each pass of the roller. Suitable thickness of soil of each layer is necessary to achieve uniform thickness. Layer thickness depends upon type of soil involved and type of roller, its weight and contact pressure of its drums. Normally, 200-300 mm layer thickness is optimum in the field for achieving homogeneous compaction. CONTACT PRESSURE Contact pressure depends on the weight of the roller wheel and the contact area. In case of pneumatic roller, the tyre inflation pressure also determines the contact pressure in addition to wheel load. A higher contact pressure increases the dry density and lowers the optimum moisture content SPEED OF ROLLING Speed of rolling has a very important bearing on the roller output. The greater the speed of rolling, the more the length of embankment that can be compacted in one day. Speed was found to be a significant factor for vibratory rollers because its number of vibrations per minute is not related to its forward speed. Therefore, the slower the speed of travel, the more vibrations at a given point and lesser number of pass required to attain a given density. TYPE OF COMPACTING EQUIPMENTS A large variety of mechanical equipments is available for compaction of soil but soil type and moisture condition will often dictate the type of equipments and method of use. Some important compacting equipment are given below: 1. Light compacting equipments (Rammers/Plate compactors) 2. Smooth wheel rollers 3. Sheepsfoot rollers 4. Pneumatic tyred rollers 5. Vibratory rollers 6. Grid rollers 2003 Dynapac CC122 Tandem Vibratory Smooth Drum Roller . Figure: Smooth wheel-Roller figure: Light compacting equipments (Rammers) Summary: Soil compaction is an important part of the construction process. It is used for support of structural entities such as building foundations, roadways, walkways, and earth retaining structures to name a few. In general, the preselected soil should have adequate strength, be relatively incompressible so that future settlement is not significant, be stable against volume change as water content or other factors vary, be durable and safe against deterioration, and possess prop Refrances: Das, Braja M. (2002). Principles of Geotechnical Engineering.fourth edition. P100 IS: 2720-1983 (Part-14)- Determination of density index (Relative Density) of cohesion New Used Heavy Equipment Engineering Properties of Soils Based on Laboratory Testing Prof. Krishna Reddy, UIC Das, Braja M. (2002). Principles of Geotechnical Engineering.fourth edition. P100

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Platos The Crito Essay example -- essays research papers

There are many instances in Plato's the Crito where Socrates gives reasons for himself to stay in Athens and face his death. Arguments range from that of him being too old to run, to the common response two wrongs don't make a right. The reason I intend to argue against is one Socrates expresses in regards to his obligations to the city he has lived in all his life, and thus the rules that he has subsequently followed throughout that time. In Athens just like any other city, one follows the rules that the respective city has laid down because he/she believes in those laws, or does not and keeps silent. In the stand Socrates takes, he argues that since he has lived in Athens all his life, he is required to stand his ground and take what's thrown his way, even if that punishment is death, "do you think you have the right to retaliation against your country and its laws?" (Crito, 53) Socrates was a master of words. It is easy to say that his intellect allowed him to make anyon e see all sides of an argument. Even Crito at times is confused about his decision to free his friend, think that he is making the right decision, "or do you think it possible for a city not to be destroyed if the verdicts of its courts have no force but are nullified and set at naught by private individuals."(Crito, 52) Socrates’ words are very convincing, but what he is not thinking about is the fact that this whole predicament was not meant to be. Socrates was supposed to be in all ...

Hugo Chavez: Love Him or Loathe Him? Essay -- Essays Papers

Hugo Chavez: Love Him or Loathe Him? Last week an incendiary press release exploded into the global headlines. A man by the name of Hugo Chavez ventured the claim that he had become an important target of assassination. Even more alarming, he proceeded to identify his assassin. It was none other than George W. Bush. "We have enough evidence," said Chavez, "that if anything happens to me, the person responsible will be the President of the United States" (â€Å"Defying U.S., Venezuela’s Chavez Embrace Socialism†). Who is Hugo Chavez? And why would he have the audacity to regard himself as a threat -- indeed, a lethal threat -- to the most powerful country on earth? And does he really believe he is so dangerous in the eyes of the United States that he would be viewed as a candidate for extermination? Hugo Chavez is the duly elected leader of a relatively small country on the northern coast of South America called Venezuela. It is a nation whose regional stature has, in the last twenty years, grown in influence in total disproportion to its size. The reason for Venezuela's increasing political clout is simple. It is the owner of vast reservoirs of liquid gold. It is perched on an enormous supply of oil. To a country like America, which is the world's largest consumer of fossil fuels by far, nothing could be more encouraging than to share geographical proximity with a nation so abundantly endowed with oil. Increasingly, however, a common neighborhood is all the U. S. shares in common with Venezuela. The two nations are clearly drifting apart, and at an alarming pace. The lightening rod in America's relationship with its South American neighbor is Hugo Chavez. In many recent pronouncements, the President o...;>. -Niemeyer, Ralph and Lucila Gallino. â€Å"Interview With President Chavez.† Venezuela Analysis. November 2003 <>. -Pike, John. â€Å"Venezuela.† GlobalSecurity. August 2004 <>. -Stelzer, Irwin M. â€Å"The Axis of Oil: China and Russia Find a New Way to Advance Their Strategic Ambitions.† Free Republic. February 2005 <>. -â€Å"Topic Area A: The Situation in Venezuela.† Model United Nations of the University of Chicago. <>. -West, Andrew. â€Å"A Recipe for Economic Collapse in Venezuela: Hugo Chavez’s Anti- Capitalist Philosophy.† Capitalism Magazine. October 2000 <>. Hugo Chavez: Love Him or Loathe Him? Essay -- Essays Papers Hugo Chavez: Love Him or Loathe Him? Last week an incendiary press release exploded into the global headlines. A man by the name of Hugo Chavez ventured the claim that he had become an important target of assassination. Even more alarming, he proceeded to identify his assassin. It was none other than George W. Bush. "We have enough evidence," said Chavez, "that if anything happens to me, the person responsible will be the President of the United States" (â€Å"Defying U.S., Venezuela’s Chavez Embrace Socialism†). Who is Hugo Chavez? And why would he have the audacity to regard himself as a threat -- indeed, a lethal threat -- to the most powerful country on earth? And does he really believe he is so dangerous in the eyes of the United States that he would be viewed as a candidate for extermination? Hugo Chavez is the duly elected leader of a relatively small country on the northern coast of South America called Venezuela. It is a nation whose regional stature has, in the last twenty years, grown in influence in total disproportion to its size. The reason for Venezuela's increasing political clout is simple. It is the owner of vast reservoirs of liquid gold. It is perched on an enormous supply of oil. To a country like America, which is the world's largest consumer of fossil fuels by far, nothing could be more encouraging than to share geographical proximity with a nation so abundantly endowed with oil. Increasingly, however, a common neighborhood is all the U. S. shares in common with Venezuela. The two nations are clearly drifting apart, and at an alarming pace. The lightening rod in America's relationship with its South American neighbor is Hugo Chavez. In many recent pronouncements, the President o...;>. -Niemeyer, Ralph and Lucila Gallino. â€Å"Interview With President Chavez.† Venezuela Analysis. November 2003 <>. -Pike, John. â€Å"Venezuela.† GlobalSecurity. August 2004 <>. -Stelzer, Irwin M. â€Å"The Axis of Oil: China and Russia Find a New Way to Advance Their Strategic Ambitions.† Free Republic. February 2005 <>. -â€Å"Topic Area A: The Situation in Venezuela.† Model United Nations of the University of Chicago. <>. -West, Andrew. â€Å"A Recipe for Economic Collapse in Venezuela: Hugo Chavez’s Anti- Capitalist Philosophy.† Capitalism Magazine. October 2000 <>.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Gender Roles In Star Trek Next Generation Essay -- essays research pap

In 1966 a series called "Star Trek" was created. It's creator, Gene Roddenberry, did not create the show to be a science fiction series. The series was much deeper than that. It wasn't just about discovering new planets and civilizations. It was about controversial issues. Even though the series' take place in the 23rd and 24th century the issues struck with the times and related current issues. Through each series, The Original, Next Generation, Deep Space Nine and Voyager, there has been progression with the times and the issues. The issues that surround the episodes of Star Trek include race, religion, sexuality, the depiction of science and gender roles. The central focus being talked about in this paper will be gender roles. Gender roles in Star Trek deal with leadership and sexuality. Men and women have had different roles in Star Trek as well as different progressions. Men in Star Trek have always had a leadership role. In the original series the four main characters are men. The captain, Kirk, the second in command, Spock, the doctor, Bones or McCoy, and the head engineering officer Scotty are all men. In the Next Generation series there is Captain Picard, the second in command, Riker, and there are others engineering roles played by Warf and Data who are all men. In the Deep Space Nine series Captain Sisko and the head engineer is male. In Voyager the second in command, Chakotay, as well as Tuvok, a Vulcan Spock like character, and Neelix, the cook are all men. Women in Star Trek have made a real progression, at least more then Men have. When men are already at the top having leadership roles there's no place to go but down. This isn't necessarily there work performance or merit is going down but the women's performance, merit and acceptance going up. The women of Star Trek started at the bottom and could only go up. The original series did have one woman in a starring role. Uhura was the head communication officer, however her role was really more of a secretary and didn't really have many lines and if she did they weren't very lengthy, nothing much more than, "Yes captain." In the Next Generation series the women started to move farther up the leadership ladder. The women starring roles were Beverly Crusher, the doctor, and Diana Troy, the counselor. In Deep Space Nin... ...s. Women usually aren't as forward and her forwardness gives the essence of a male fantasy, the female making the moves on the male. Males and females are almost in pursuit of a mate, however males are usually the gender that make the first move. When the female shows immediate and obvious signs of interest, males in general think of it as something with no real challenge and therefore no real commitment. This presents a good time for the crowd of men in 10 Forward. Sexuality plays a big part in gender roles. In Star Trek Next Generation one of biggest issues is gender roles. Sexuality has played a little role in Star Trek. It showed a woman who's only purpose in life was for procreation. Although her actions were abnormal for a woman, it is the only real purpose of both genders. Survival is the goal of both genders and that is done through procreation. Also, men have always had leadership roles in Star Trek since the beginning of the series. Women, however have had to work there way up the leadership ladder. Their roles have been equal to the times or slightly pushing forward a bit, which has been the most important part of gender roles in Star Trek.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Mamma Mia! the Musical: History and Music

Mamma Mia! is hit Broadway musical that celebrates the music of ABBA, a 1970’s Swedish pop group.   It includes over 20 original ABBA songs, the most famous of which is Mamma Mia, which lends itself to the title of the musical.   The musical is based on a book written by British author Catherine Johnson, and the music was primarily written by Benny Andersson and Bjà ¶rn Ulvaeus of ABBA. ABBA began in the 1970’s in Sweden, and became famous when the group won the 1974 Eurovision song writing contest.   It consisted of four members: Benny Andersson, Bjà ¶rn Ulvaeus, Ani-Frid Lyngstad, and Agnetha Faltskog.   It is from their first names that the group’s name came.   They wrote songs that became extremely popular world-wide, including Dancing Queen (which was number one on charts across the world, including the US.   It was only song to become number one in the US), Waterloo (the song that won the Eurovision contest), and of course, Mamma Mia.   All of these popular songs, and more, are included in the show that became Mamma Mia! (Mamma Mia official site). Catherine Johnson’s book tells a story about a daughter (Sophie) who is about to get married, but she doesn’t know who her own father is.   She is living on a Greek island paradise, and invites the three potential candidates to the island to see her – the first time they’ve all set foot on the island in 20 years (Harry, Bill, and Sam).   She tries to figure out which one of these men is her father while hiding this from her mother, Donna, who won’t talk about her past.   Her goal is to have her real father walk her down the aisle. Ultimately, her mother walks her down the aisle because everyone realizes that they don’t know who her real father is, but that it doesn’t matter – they will all be a part of her life.   She also realizes she doesn’t actually want to get married, so her mother ends up marrying one of the three men (Sam) instead, and Sophie and her fiancà © go off to travel the world (Wikipedia). The musical is interspersed with songs like Does Your Mother Know, Super-Trouper, Lay All Your Love on Me, and more.   Many of the songs are not used in their original context, but are used in key parts of the musical.   For example, the original lyrics in Does Your Mother Know are sung by a man who is asking his underage date if her mother know she’s seeing him.   In the musical, it is sung by women and used to ask Sophie if her mother knows she’s invited these men to the island (Wikipedia). The original idea for the musical was conceived in 1989 by Judy Craymer, and was to use popular ABBA songs in the new context of a musical.   Bjà ¶rn and Benny had attempted to write their own musical in the 70’s, consisting of songs like Thank You for the Music (now used in Mamma Mia!) and others, but it was never completed.   Lending songs to a musical that was completed and performed was obviously something they were interested in.   In May 1999, 10 years after the original idea, Mamma Mia! was born, and made its debut in London theaters.   While the creators and producers were initially worried about audience reception, it was an instant success, and went on to play all over Britain, and then in the United States on Broadway. The U.S. debut was in 2000, and has since played in many Broadway and off-Broadway theaters throughout the country.   It is playing simultaneously in more theaters than any other musical.   Today, it is estimated that over 20 million people have seen the show (Mamma Mia official website).   The show has toured all major US cities and many minor ones as well, and continues to play on Broadway.   There are several casts that are performing the show at any given time. The show is now playing world-wide, including in Japan, Sweden, and other European countries.   It is estimated that 1.3 million people have seen the show in one of these countries.   The show has swept not only the English-speaking countries, but the entire world.   The soundtrack is also available in different languages for the diverse audience members. Typical advertising lines include â€Å"People are singing in their seats and dancing in the aisles† when they see the musical.   Also, audience members are encouraged to sing along during the encore, which consists of three songs sung earlier in the musical; there are 22 unique songs in all.  Ã‚   Audiences consist of people of all ages, as the musical is family friendly and the music is loved not only by the older generation that grew up with it, but also by the younger generation becoming familiar with it for the first time (Mamma Mia! official site). The combination of familiar, well-loved songs with a new, exciting story is what makes Mamma Mia! what it is.   Many of the adults in world were growing up during the 1970’s and spent a lot of time listening to ABBA music.   Their songs topped charts around the world from their debut in 1974 straight through the mid-80’s.   They produced several greatest hits CDs, include ABBA Gold and More Gold, which together include over 40 songs.   ABBA continues to play on â€Å"oldies† radios today, and their music has been passed down to younger generations. The music is so upbeat and exciting and perfect for the stage that when it was combined with the cute and interesting story by Catherine Johnson, it was well-received and well-loved.   Mamma Mia! will likely continue to play in theaters throughout the country for several more years, as it continues to be an exciting, fun show for all to enjoy. Bibliography â€Å"Mamma Mia!† Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.   Modified Dec. 8, 2006.   Accessed December 12, 2006.   Website:! â€Å"Mamma-Mia Official Website.†Ã‚   Accessed December 12, 2006.   Website:

Monday, September 16, 2019

Consuming Salt Assignment

Salt is made up of 40 percent sodium and 60 percent of chloride, is a very important part of daily lives as it helps maintain your blood’s water content, balances acids and bases in your blood, and it helps in the movement of electrical charges which are in your nerves throughout your muscles. A human being should consume about 2400 mg of salt daily. On average, humans tend to go over the recommended amount. The food industry adds 75 percent of the sodium that we humans consume. The following additives resemble plenty of sodium: color developer, which assists in the colour development in meats.Fermentation controller, which does the organic check in cheeses and baked goods. Binder, which helps to hold the meat together when being cooked. Texture aid, allows dough to expand and prevents from tearing apart. Salt is a part of the food processing. Only way to reduce your intake on dietary salt is to purchase low salt processed foods and switch from processed foods to fresh foods. Look for sodium free, very low sodium, reduced sodium or unsalted terms on the food labels of the food your purchase. You could also try avoiding food items which contain more than 180 milligrams of sodium.Another strategy to avoid dietary salt intake is look out for these food products. Example, bacon, cheese, canned vegetables, anchovies, cooking sauces, gravy, salad dressings, hot dogs, ham, sea salt, soy sauce etc. These edibles contain high amounts of sodium in them and humans should try avoiding them as much as possible. However, manufacturers have tend to lower the amount of sodium inside these edibles, so there is a possibility of finding these food products in low salt form. Always make sure to check the food label when buying any food product so that way you are aware of what you are consuming.There is also another way to approach food when it comes down to lowering your salt intake. For instance, you could go on a low sodium diet. Instead of avoiding high sodium foods you can make few adjustments. You could cook herbs, spices, fruit juices, and vinegars for flavour rather than salt. Eat fresh vegetables, use less salt than the recipe calls for, and choose low salt frozen dinners. When eating outside, ask for your food to be prepared with only a little salt. There are five unique and healthy ways alternatives to salt.It is important to know how much salt you’re consuming because consuming too much could lead to high blood pressure and other serious health issues. Sesame is an alternative to salt and it could be added in your food because of the taste similarity to salt. It is a natural product and could be used on your bread, salad, chicken and vegetables. You should choose sesame over salt because it is made naturally and it adds a lot of flavour to your food without having to worry about the health risks. Another alternative is garlic.This is very beneficial to your health and is said to be an antioxidant if eaten in small amounts and can he lp get rid of colds and congestion. It is mostly added to chicken, salad, bread, and fish to give good flavour. It is also good for your heart and body. It is recommended that you pick fresh garlic over the powder form because the health benefits are stronger in the fresh garlic. Cumin is also a very beneficial alternative to salt because it resembles a lot of properties of antioxidants and it helps maintain a healthier immune system. Cumin has a similar taste to salt but the smell and the texture are very much different.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Higher Education and the American Dream: Success and Its Discontents Essay

Is   College necessary? Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is true that a college may favor or not favor some victims. This means that it is not an assurance if you complete your college level you get a white collar job. This is not the case. However, it will depend on how one takes his/her time to associate with working class person and also to give voluntary service to the companies and government corporation. According to Baker it is very important for the child to attend basic education in the age of six years, he says that the child during this age is being prepared psychologically on how to move on to the next academic level. Additionally, Baker brings out another crucial sense why it is important to go to the college after graduating the high school. Baker says that colleges are preparing a student not only to get well-paying job but also, on how as a student one can business oriented person. Very important issue here is that a college graduate student can be compared with primary or hig h school student in terms of thinking capacity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   College is not worth some time for some people. Meaning that in a society some people tend to have very little education but, their way of living is luxurious. However, this will depend on one’s fortune. Another factor that might make people look down to the college is family background(Charles chpt8). Some families are very rich such that they do not push their kids to go for further studies but, rather after completing their high school education they are given capital to start their own business or even they inherit some of their family business. So, college may not be very important to such people because the aim of going for higher education is only to have good living standards. Therefore, if one gets a good amount of dollars that can sustain him/her then there is no need to go to college.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the past century, education was not highly valued in many countries. This was because many people had inherited big wealth from their forefathers. Therefore, they tend to depend on those properties for their upkeep, unlike this 21st century where is only depends on how one struggles to be able to sustain himself. In the past century, technology had not improved like the this century thus people had limited resource in education, for instance, less developed countries(Lazerson chpt12). Hence, the aim of going to colleges was not there. However, going to college to further studies is a great idea in order to increase knowledge and be conversant with the current trend on technology that is not taught in primary and high school level. In conclusion, college education is very important to the graduates. It is observed that graduates are not enrolled to colleges in order to secure themselves or to go for well-paying job, but they do so in order to be civilized. They are also equipped with knowledge that helps them to run their own business. In fact, college education has a lot of benefits. Finally, it is wise to be a college graduate rather than having basic education (primary and high school). References Lazerson, Marvin. Higher Education and the American Dream: Success and Its Discontents. Budapest: Central European University Press, edited 2014.print. McGuire, Charles, Diana Abitz, and Patrick Dobson. The Best Advice Ever for Teachers. Kansas City: Andrews McMeel Pub, edited 2014. Internet resource. Source document

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Resume of Joe Rizal

CURRICULUM VITAE Jose Protacio Mercado Rizal y Alonso Realonda Personal Information: Home address: Calamba, Laguna Date of Birth: June 19, 1861 Place of Birth: Calamba, Laguna, Philippines Height: 5 feet Weight: 42 kg/ 411. 6 N Job Experience: Student Assistant (April 2010 and April 2011) Saint Louis University Human Resource Department Baguio City, Philippines Major Duties and Responsibilities: 1. File copies of different letters. 2. Sort files alphabetically to their respective filing cabinets. 3. Classify and sort files of different departments and colleges. 4. Assist in the making and laminating in the identification cards of employees. 5. Assist in instructing and organizing of the enrolment of working scholars. Enrolment helper (May 2010 and May 2011) Saint Louis University- Laboratory Elementary School Medical and Dental Clinic Baguio City, Philippines Major Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Give medical forms to the parents or guardians of incoming kinder and transferee pupils. 2. Instruct the parents and guardians on what to place on the forms. 3. Give the parents and guardians their corresponding number for the proper sequence of entering the clinic. . Sort and file the medical records of the new pupils. 5. Classify and file the medical records of the pupils according to their sections for the next school year. Working scholar (November 2009-March 2011) Saint Louis University- Laboratory Elementary School Medical and Dental Clinic Baguio City, Philippines Major Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Assist the nurses in first aid procedures. 2. Assure the cleanliness of the clinic. 3. Assure the safety of the pupils, specially the lower grade pupils (kinder to grade 3) by bringing them back to their specific classrooms. 4. File patients’ health cards to their respective place. 5. Assist in the medical dental and medical check-up. 6. Wash and dry dental instruments. Educational Attainment: College: Philosophy and Letters (1877-1878) University of Santo Tomas Sampaloc, Manila Philippines Course on Surveying Ateneo de Manila (1877-1878) Loyola Heights, Quezon City, Metro Manila Philippines Medicine (1878-1882) University of Santo Tomas Sampaloc, Manila Philippines Medicine & Philosophy and Letters Universidad Central de Madrid Madrid, Spain Secondary: Ateneo de Manila (1872-1877) Loyola Heights, Quezon City, Metro Manila Philippines Elementary: Mabini Elementary School (1999-2005) Baguio City, Philippines Skills and Hobbies: Skills: * Ability to work under pressure * Can write speeches, scripts and reports * Flexible in working in a multi-cultural working environment * Literate in Computer programs: * Microsoft Word * Microsoft PowerPoint * Microsoft Excel * Microsoft Access * Microsoft Publisher * Microsoft Photoshop * Movie Maker Hobbies: * Reading books, watching movies, listening to music, editing pictures, making movies in movie maker, writing poems, singing, playing the piano and uitar. * Sports: * Volleyball Seminars: The taxation approach * November 28, 2010 * AVR Devesse building, Maryheights Campus, Bakakeng, Baguio City Insurance, Savings, and Investments * January 30, 2011 * Center for Culture and the Arts, Saint Louis University Relevant Issues with the CARPer * September 18, 2011 * AVR Devesse building, Maryheights Campus, Bakakeng, Baguio City Character References: I, do hereby, attest that the above statements are true, correct and updated to the best of my knowledge.

Friday, September 13, 2019

First Term Paper - Why I know I am not in the Matrix

First - Why I know I am not in the Matrix - Term Paper Example As a means of integrating with the plot and philosophical subthemes of The Matrix, this particular analysis will seek to engage the reader with a well balanced understanding for why it is obvious that the life that each and every individual experiences is not a type of virtual or coded reality. In order to integrate with the question of what is â€Å"real† and what is â€Å"a subjective viewpoint†, it is necessary to discuss the way in which the theme of The Matrix can adequately be defined with respect to the way in which Descartes discussed reality and what made humans certain of anything. Descartes viewed the subjectivity of the human experience, the question of reality, and the fact that no understanding or knowledge – even any expectation – could be made with regards to the existence of something beyond our own world. However, rather than letting this be a determination for the fact that all reality is subjective and could possibly be a clever illusio n on the part of a twisted higher power, Descartes determined that the best approach to this question of reality was the famous quote, â€Å"I think therefore I am†. ... In other words, if in fact some type of computer simulation of reality helped to define the world and laid a framework for the way in which humans thought and interacted with one another, it is only logical to assume that this very same construct would not allow for independent thought with regards to considering the truth of reality. Thus, utilizing this train of logic, the individual can firmly come to an understanding that if in fact a computer simulation, far and above beyond the capabilities of humans to infer, understand, or replicate, was indeed somehow invisibly in charge of the dynamics of our own reality, any such doubt and/or consideration for such a fact would be highly discourage and ruled insane (Johnsen 227). However, as has been noted in the past several decades, consideration for such a topic has not been distanced to the outer realms of possibility and in fact has even been represented to the individual participant within society in the form of movies, artwork, grap hic novels, and discussions within the philosophical community. Another reason why the individual should not integrate with the belief that the â€Å"brain is in a vat† or that all reality is merely a construct that is carefully designed is the fact that such an approach is inherently non-falsifiable (Smoyak 9). Naturally, even a cursory level of understanding with regards to the scientific method or philosophical understanding should lead the individual to understand that a non-falsifiable theory is in and of itself unacceptable. The ultimate reason for this is that each and every theory must be able to stand upon its merit and not based upon a caveat of inherent truth. In such a way, the belief that all

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Job titles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Job titles - Essay Example In 2007, demand for Information Security jobs started growing. [1] Today getting a job in the information security field can be tricky. However, titles in the field range from security administrators, network security analysts, information security analysts, security architects, information security engineer, Web application security analysts, security auditors, and compliance auditors. But beware—these titles can entail very different responsibilities within different companies, so it’s important when looking for a job in this field to focus on what people are looking for in terms of skills. This assignment is to search for job advertisements related to Information Security through the Internet. The finding information will be summarized in a table including the advertised job title, and a summary of the responsibilities, Jobs requirements and company profile. Reflection summary will highlight potential overlap in responsibilities among different job titles and responsibility. There are looking for a candidate with good experience in Information Security in core banking project with experience in designing, implementing and monitoring a secure IT infrastructure in terms of Information / IT security products, processes, procedures, guidelines and standards. Plans and manages the activities of suppliers engineers and contracted staff involved in the installation, commissioning, and maintenance of computer systems for company network and other hardware related peripherals. Degree (BSc or Diploma) in Engineering, Business Information or any other relevant field. 7+ years of experience in the IT Security Industry is a must. 3+ years of experience as Technical Sales Specialist in IT Security Industry. Strong background in Risk & Compliance/Security is a plus. Certifications in one or more of the following are a plus - CISSP, CISM, CISA, CIA, CRISC. Local market knowledge is a plus Assist the Software Group and Intelligent

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Marketing Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing Report - Research Paper Example This implies that in production, a company needs to have a clear understanding of its customers in relation to the things they need and an analysis of the most preferred size of the commodity. A good product that is acceptable in the market is able to win the confidence of customers and they are easily going to buy it from the market. Production and sale of Dove Soap Bar is one of its kinds because it has put into consideration the needs of the customers and this has made it very competitive in the market and has led many customers to neglect other brands of bar soaps to adopt it. Table of Contents Executive summary†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦2 Table of content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..3 Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.4 Supply Side Analysis†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦4 Demand Analysis†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦5 Segmentation and Targeting†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.......6 Comp etitor Identification and Analysis†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦......7 Competitive Advantage of Dove Soap Bar †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.8 References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.10 Introduction Dove Soap Bar contains some ingredients that make it good for bathing for people of different ages and sexes, who value skin protection. This is because in production of the bar soap, the producer focuses on giving people a quality product that has most of the things they like and need in a soap. The soap has different qualities that are physical and chemica l, which add value to it as soap sold in a market that has other varieties. Dove Soap Bar is produced with some diversity so that it can capture different people in the market and have them buy it according to their preferences dictated by their health and socialization (Raju, 1995, p53). Dove Soap Bar appears in the market with different qualities that make it preferable among other soaps in the market. The physical qualities of the soap is that it has sweet blue fig and orange blossom scent which makes it to attract people because it is friendly to them. It also appears in different colors, which include; blue, white, orange and pink, to attract different class of people to whom colors are important in determining the choices they make for products. In this respect, people choose the Dove Soap Bar according to these physical qualities, which manifest without a need for detailed evaluation on its properties. Dove Soap Bar has different properties that make the customers to prefer i t as compared to others that serve similar purposes to the people. For example, the property that it moisturizes after taking a bath with it and leaves the skin feeling soft and smooth makes it a preferable product for different people in the market (Parker, 2006, p57). Supply Side Analysis The supply of the Dove Soap Bar happens from an industry that produces it and presents the orders to customers make from the company. In the US, customers who come from within the industry have ease of access from the shops in the area and different retail opening in the area which supply consumer products in small quantities (Jacoby, 2010, p31). The supply of Dove Soap Bar is established in that it has two main channels i.e. from the industry to consumers and from the industry

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Information systems technology change What Bert Painter does and does Essay

Information systems technology change What Bert Painter does and does not tell us - Essay Example The purpose of this paper is to distill the primary lessons regarding IT systems change that Painter is trying to convey in his paper, determine how one would evaluate those lessons in terms of their correctness and usability, and to discuss any other lessons not part of his conclusions that have been learned by the writer and which he holds the hope of putting into practice in his or her future IT career. In other words, the purpose is to discuss what Bert Painter does and does not tell us regarding information systems technology change. Painter discusses his experience aiding an insurance company's paper-based system into one that was electronic and was known as E-File. The new process allowed the company to integrate their data and automate their workflow, as well as significantly redesign jobs to be more efficient in the overall process. Painter directly states what he hoped to achieve through sharing the results of this case study (Painter, 2008). According to Painter in the case study, "A socio-technical approach to organization design can mitigate potentially negative effects of information technology, while maximizing positive potentials to up-skill jobs, and yield an outcome, such as with E-File, where over 90% of the highly skilled employees surveyed in this white-collar organization regard the new system as a substantially positive change" (Painter, 2008, pg. 1). Throughout his consultation process, Painter relied on surveys that had been developed in key areas. These included effects on work processes, effects on job aspects, the user-friendliness of software and hardware, and competence and knowledge. He likely shared details of these sections as he felt they were very important aspects of socio-technical design. In fact, he probably thought that the information gathered through this information carried the primary lessons that he wished to convey to his audience (Painter, 2008). Evaluating the Lessons and Looking at Other Lessons As far as evaluating the lessons that were presented in this case study in terms of correctness and usability, they all seem to be quite useful when perhaps broken down and applied to general management concepts that anybody could use. The reason they seemed rather limited in scope in this particular case was likely because this was, after all, a case study and, therefore, it focused on one company's specific application of the lessons at hand (Painter, 2008). The general definitions of socio-technical design that are given in the introduction and the conclusion of this paper contain more generalized concepts, which is what one misses when reading Painter's case study. For example, the direct participation that was given in the case study was in the form of interviews and surveys. It could be given in other ways as well, such as through meetings where everyone in the company is made to feel important. The system of socio-technical design was definitely present in the case study and is likely to be very similar for various different firms that are looking to undergo this process. One serious fault that could occur when designing or implementing this process is to not take into account just how serious the opinions and feedback of the end users are. If a

Monday, September 9, 2019

Music in My Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Music in My Life - Essay Example Punk music signaled the first days of having a driver's license. Perhaps because of these elements music began to evolve to a new stage, beyond nostalgia or the excitement of a new band. At some point, it became possible to actually select a mood. The music itself could transform my mental state, lift me from whatever ruminations the day held, and lift me into a place beyond words, even if the music itself contained words. Music is like any other passion: when one truly begins to learn about it, it is humbling to realize just how little one knows in the face of how much more there is to learn. Music is amazing in its complexity, astounding in its interconnectedness. A musician can even take someone else's song and make it their own. There are vast differences between Hendrix's and Dylan's versions of All Along the Watchtower. The gut-wrenching blues of Leadbelly's Black Betty was turned inside out by Ram Jam. Shuggie Otis revealed an internal family revolution from the influence of his father Johnny Otis. Bands such as Widespread Panic or the Alman Brothers still show their hillbilly-folk roots. The politics of folk music redeveloped through the punk music of the Dead Kennedys, or even more recently, through System of a Down. Classical music has been co-opted and turned into such rock-operas as The Who's Tommy or Queensryche's two-album Operation Mindcrime.

ITM301 SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ITM301 SLP - Essay Example Evidently the user-friendly structure and the dependability of the site are the major reasons why Wikipedia has become the highest ranking sites. Overall appeal Wikipedia is a professionally designed website for its simple whiteboard and well optimized content and images. The absence of promotional content also enhances its professional appeal. The article on ‘distance education’ published on the site can be taken as an example for its outstanding level of content and external link feasibility. At the same time, the well-bound internal linking structure also makes the specific article page and the entire site extraordinary. As in every case of Wikipedia articles, the ‘distance education’ also provides readers with hundreds of keywords and phrases which work as internal and external links for further research. Strengths of the site The website is rather interactive for it allows users to contribute to the content development and editing. Although it tends one to be skeptical of the reliability of the information, today inaccuracy is less likely to happen because of its strong self-control. The Wikipedia gives number of other options like contents, featured contents, current events, and random articles at the left hand side of the web pages which help users to trace required information quickly.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Successful security management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Successful security management - Research Paper Example The various area of security that needs attention include: Dalton (2003) traces the roots of contemporary corporate security back to the role of the night watchman prior to the 1960s. In this guise the job of security personnel within businesses entailed little more than acting as a lookout with a primary role of early warning in case of incidents such as fire. Throughout the 1960s and into the latter half of the 20th century this limited early role began to expand and fire watches began to take on more classical security duties including controlling access and egress from properties, patrolling and maintaining perimeter fences and general guarding duties (Gill, 2006). Dalton terms this the ‘Green Shack Era’ as activities were typically based out of such shacks located by the main gate (Gill, 2006). While security management progressed at varying speeds within industries different and between individual organizations a growing role for security departments within the corporate world was apparent. For the most part it moved out of the so-called green shacks and into offices embarking on what Dalton describes as the ‘Physical Security Era’ (Gill, 2006). With the arrival of the physical security era corporate security continued to perform duties such as security patrols but in addition took on responsibilities for responding to medical emergencies, controlling traffic, monitoring equipment, escorting employees and staffing front desks (Gill, 2006). This entirely defensive approach to corporate security could be considered the trademark of the physical security era and to an extent it remains the ethos behind security departments in many large businesses today (Gill, 2006). One of the effects of globalization has been a proliferation in the number of threats which face large organizations with exposure to operational risks all over the world. This in turn has made the job of protecting businesses much more complicated and means the

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Lorenzo The Magnificent Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Lorenzo The Magnificent - Research Paper Example I believe this to be a possibility because of the many works of art, sculpture and architecture that are being made during this period. Much of this beauty only exists because it was commissioned by the wealthy ruling families of Italy. People such as myself, Lorenzo Medici, commission artwork not only to promote culture and the arts in my city, but also to show off the material wealth my family commands. The types of works I commission demonstrate the recent advancements that have taken place in architecture and art as well as convey a sense of the impression I wish to make upon my neighbors and associates. Having been raised in a family already strongly committed to the arts, I hope to one day be remembered as one of art’s finest patrons but remain somewhat fearful that it is other areas of my life history will focus upon. The physical world I knew while growing up went a long way toward fostering my love of the arts, but it also helped shape my personality in other ways. In our Florentine society, it is necessary for princes who can afford it to build huge residential palaces, villas, fortresses, governmental buildings, churches and convents that we can then fill with statuary, paintings, sculptures, brilliantly performed original pieces of music and other fine works of art. This is how we demonstrate our status in our very class-conscious society. â€Å"Art historians bury the why – and hence the sociology – by their excessive emphasis on questions of form and style. Most of the great building projects of the Italian Renaissance †¦ had behind them the urge to exhibit now: to exhibit an identity, to show the power or piety of the man and his family dynasty, and to carve out a space in the city that would belong to that name, that individual and dynasty, for all times† (Marti nes, 1979: 236). These sentiments applied equally to other commissioned works of art as well. At three stories tall, the family’s Medici Palace in

Friday, September 6, 2019

Arthur Conan Doyle Essay Example for Free

Arthur Conan Doyle Essay A critical account of The Speckled Band and The Engineers Thumb by Arthur Conan Doyle  In the story of The Speckled Band a woman called Helen Stoner arrives at Holmes rooms in a state of terror. She is the stepdaughter of Dr Grimesby Roylott, a violent man who spent five years in India and associates only with gipsies, and has such exotic pets as a baboon and a cheetah. Helens mother is now dead, and two years previously her sister died in mysterious circumstances: a strange whistling disturbed her in her sleep for some nights, and on the night of her death she appeared transfixed, able only to shriek, the speckled band! she had been about to marry and now Helen is planning to do the same; her stepfather has moved her to her sisters bedroom next to his and the whistling has recurred. Despite a warning from the maniacal Dr Roylott, Holmes and Watson head for Stoke Moran, examine the house and wait the night in Helens bedroom. Holmes deduction proves correct: Dr Roylott sends a swamp adder (the speckled band) through a ventilator to kill Helen, Holmes cane drives it back and the murderer is poisoned. The main characters in the story consist of: Helen stoner who is the main client. She arrives at Sherlock Holmes rooms in Baker Street to ask him for help. The character of Helen Stoner sets the tone of the story: shivering with fear, her face all drawn and grey, with restless frightened eyes, like those of some hunted animal. She is obviously a sensible and levelheaded woman: therefore there must be a reason for her terror. The character of Sherlock Holmes in the story appears to be that of an appealing eccentric. In this story he uses his powers of deduction to identify minute details with which to solve the final mystery, for instance he knew you must have started early, and yet you had a good drive in a dog cart, along heavy roads before you reached the station. Through the story he displays elements of humour, after doctor Roylott threatened with a poker he replies, he seems a very amiable person. Subtly alluring to his own physical power by, he picked up the steel poker and with a sudden effort straightened it out again. Whilst examining the premises of Stoke Moran, he threw himself down upon his face with his lens in his hand, and crawled swiftly backwards and forwards, examining minutely the crack between the boards. This illustrates Holmes minute attention to detail. Dr Watson is the ideal narrator of this story. His ability to perceive and describe details is as important as his inability to deduce from them what Holmes can. He says, Holmes, I seem to see dimly what you are hitting at, after Holmes had described the position of the ventilator and the rope. The relationship between Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson is one of an intimate friend and associate. In contrast to Holmes, Dr Watson makes the sensible deductions and assumption of the of the ordinary intelligent man. He is portrayed as an amiable man as well as the devoted recorder of Holmes achievements. A vivid description is built up of Dr Roylott by the description of Helen stoner. We know that he came from an aristocratic background. However successive heirs had squandered the money. After taking a medical degree he went to India, where he spent some time in prison from murdering a native servant. She describes his violence of temper approaching to mania.  We are also told that he likes to associate with gypsies and also keeps exotic animals, for example, a cheetah and a baboon. In another passage Dr Roylott enters Holmes room and is described as a huge man with a face marked with every evil passion. He is said to resemble a fierce old bird of pray. We are led also to believe that Dr Roylott is violent towards his Stepdaughter when Homes sees burses on her wrists. The story is set during the Victorian era with the backdrop of the decaying grandeur of Stoke Moran this help this links closely to the character of Dr Roylott as a fallen aristocrat and also helps to create a mysterious atmosphere. The building was of grey, lichen-blotched stone with a high central portion, and two curving wings, like the claws of a crab, thrown out on each side. In one of these wings the windows were broken, and blocked with wooden boards, while the roof was partly caved in, a picture of ruin.